Browse Items (390 total)

Racism and Its Effects

The Reverend Dr. Stephen H. Furrer, Interim Minister, Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica, California explores in a 6 page talk how the -isms of oppression ableism, ageism, anti-semitism, classicism, racism, sexism, and more such…

Racism and Anti-racism in Europe by Alana Lentin (London, Anne Arbor, Mich, Pluto Press, c2004)

A comparative political sociology of anti-racism in Europe, showing the various discourses within this movement. Book Reviews, Arranged in Reverse Chronological Order, i.e. most recent first 2006.  Youlanda M. Gibbons, Contemporary Sociology 35(6)…

Racial Justice Resources, PC (USA), June 2020

In the aftermath of the protests that erupted in the summer of 2020 these resources were made available and includes links to:
Statements from the PC(USA)
Policy Statements
Worship Resources
Recommended Books
Study, Training, and Discussion…

Racial Justice Bibliography

A work of the Racial Justice Collaborative in Theological Education. These are print resources compiled by theological educators for use in a variety of faith community settings. The educators working on this bibliography come from multiple…

Racial Injustice: Why We Need to Act Now (Videos)

A personal story that illustrates what is environmental racism. NRDC’s Dawone Robinson discusses how social, political, and economic inequities lead to environmental injustice.


Racial Equity Tools / Racial Equity Library (Website)

The Racial Equity Tools Website Library hosts the Racial Equity Library with 1700+ resources (With registration for a free account). They include tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and…

Race: Why are we so different? (Videos)

It turns out that all the visible differences contribute to less that .1 percent! This is a short video produced by The American Anthropological Association (AAA) to encourage meaningful discussion about race. Race is a short with a long history in…


Race: a theological account by J. Kameron Carter (Oxford, Oxford University Press, c2008)

xiv, 489 p. ; 25 cm. Contents: AcknowledgementsPrologue: the argument at a glance -- Prelude on Christology and race: Irenaeus as anti-gnostic intellectual Part I. Dramatizing Race: A Theological Account of Modernity: -- 1. The drama of race: toward…

Race, Power and Policy: Dismantling Structural Racism

This is a workbook meant to be used in a weekend long session with followup to help people intergrate learning. Prepared for National People’s Action by the Grassroots Policy Project, the 38 page document contains an Introduction, 5 sections,…


Race Matters by Dr. Cornell West: Jessie and Jan Dantz Lecture Series, University of Washington, Seattle (Videos)

"When will you grow up?" West asks the United States of America, "Race is a litmus test, not just for justice. It is a litmus test for maturity. ... Our imagination when it comes to race is so eviscerated."

Drawing from his bestseller book Race…


Race in the Prophets and Writings

This is an invited submission to Oxford Biblical Studies Online by Justin Reed, submitted February 2020. Exploring concepts in the Biblical texts of the Prophets and Writings, Reed discusses how the biblical texts intersect with some aspect of…

Race and Ethnicity in the 2020 Census: Improving Data to Capture a Multiethnic America

"Race and Ethnicity in the 2020 Census: Improving Data to Capture a Multiethnic America" is an initiative of The Leadership Conference Education Fund. Terri Ann Lowenthal was the principal author of the report and the design and layout were created…

Project Implicit

This is the website of Project Implicit, a non-profit organization, founded by three university scientists in 1998. The website features a large number of Implicit Association Tests (IAT) that users can take about one's own social attitudes towards…


Problem solving in libraries: A festschrift in honor of Herbert Goldhor.

Introduction by Ronald Powell. THIS ISSUE OF Library Trends has a twofold purpose. One, it has been designated as a Festschrift for Herbert Goldhor and as such marks his retirement from the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and…

Prince's Slave, Piccard's Solar Impulse and Beyonce's Lemonade (Videos)

What popular culture can teach us about individual faith and the Christian church; Includes a quick video.


Prepped: Coming of Age in Black and White America: A Memoir

The author is an Elder at Harvey Browne Memorial Pres. Church, Louisville, KY.  1373 - That's how many miles Veda was from home when she left her impoverished home to attend The Ethel Walker School in 1972. At 15, Veda found herself in a culture…

Pigments of Our Imagination: On the Racialization and Racial Identities of “Hispanics” and “Latinos”

The use of the label “Latino” or “Hispanic” is itself an act of homogenization, lumping diverse peoples together into a Procrustean aggregate. But are they even a “they”? Is there a “Latino” or “Hispanic” ethnic group, cohesive and self-conscious,…

Pentecost 2020, Liturgical Watercolor: Artist Statement

Marcus Hong reflects Acts 2 chapter 2, the violent disruption of the original Pentecost, and today's Pentecost 2020 protests in support of Black Lives Matter. This is art-in-action, helping and inspiring us to action. Direct URL:…

Passionate for Justice: Ida B. Wells as prophet for our time by Catherine Meeks and Nibs Stroupe (Church Publishing Inc., 2019)

Passionate for Justice: Ida B. Wells as Prophet for Our Time By Catherine Meeks & Nibs Stroupe. Church Publishing, Inc. 2019. 160 pages. ISBN 978-1-64065-160-9. This book is a reflection on Wells’ life and witness and on the power of race in the…

Op: Ed How LAUSD successfully tackled the racial divide in 1969

In an op-ed to the Los Angeles Times daily newspaper, Paul Wallace and Joel Strom share their story of how two people, one black, one white, a dermatologist and a dentist are "products of the Los Angeles public schools, longtime residents of the…

One Church, One Book (GA Co-Moderators Website for Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debbie Irving: A Study Guide by the Revs. Denise Anderson and Jan Edmiston)

The Reverend Denise Anderson and the Reverend Jan Edmiston, Co‐Moderators of the 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), have invited the church to read and discuss the book, Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story…

On Whiteness: A Video Essay (Videos)

Jamil Khoury explores the meanings and ramifications of whiteness, its promises and pitfalls, beneficiaries and victims, and his own complicated relationship to whiteness (existing somewhere between white and not quite white).


On the Meaning and Necessity of a White-Anti-racist Identity

Excerpts from the article:

In this essay we argue not only that a positive, white anti-racist identity is possible, but also that it is fundamental to the success of any social justice
educational initiative. Central to our analysis is a…

On "Diversity" as Anti-Racism in Library and Information Studies: A Critique


Drawing on a range of critical race and anti-colonial writing, and focusing chiefly on Anglo-Western contexts of librarianship, this paper offers a broad critique of diversity as the dominant mode of anti-racism in LIS. After outlining…

Of Faith and Fiction: Teaching W. E. B. Du Bois and Religion

Excerpt: For years, many people—including nearly all of Du Bois’s biographers—assumed that his critical comments toward Christianity coupled with a membership in the Communist Party, U.S.A. meant that he was agnostic or an atheist. However, one of Du…

OC Cities for CEDAW (Videos)

A set of 6 short video clips by Rupsi Burman, chair of the OC Cities for CEDAW taskforce: Introducing CEDAW, Results of CEDAW, Cities for CEDAW, USA Cities that have implemented CEDAW, Why CEDAW for the OC, and Contact Information. Total running…

NT 4013 Evil, Suffering, and Death in the New Testament (Prof. Garrett), January 2020, Louisville Seminary

This is the course website for Prof. Susan Garrett's NT 4013 Evil, Suffering, and Death in the New Testament, taught during J-Term 2020. J-Term is an intensive 2-week, all-day classes term of study for D.Min students. Course description: In this…

No Ordinary Angel: celestial spirits and Christian claims about Jesus by Susan R Garrett (New Haven, Conn. ; London : Yale University Press, 2009) (The Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library)

352 pages. A New Testament scholar compares ancient and modern stories about angels, and examines their relationship to Christology In this provocative, intelligent, and highly original addition to the Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library, Susan R.…

Naming and Framing Anti-racism (Dismantling Racism Handout)

This is an exercise / activity to help advance racial justice in a long-term and sustainable way. It teaches naming and framing racism explicitly in organizing.


My Race Problem - A consideration of touchy matters -- racial pride, racial solidarity, and racial loyalty -- rarely discussed.

Randall Kennedy asks a challenging question: What is the proper role of race in determining how I, an American black, should feel toward others? He rejects the usual responses of kinship and solidarity based on race and discusses their inherent…

My Race Problem

A consideration of touchy matters -- racial pride, racial solidarity, and racial loyalty -- rarely discussed.

Multiple Religious Belonging: Opportunities and Challenges for Theology and Church

The author first examines the growing phenomenon of multiple religious belonging by outlining the theology of religions known as “inclusive pluralism” which serves as its theological underpinning. Next he offers a composite sketch of multiple…

Multilayered Cultural Identity and the Perception of the Self

This is a Master's Thesis, Department of Communication, University of Jyväskylä. This qualitative study examines the reciprocal relationship between a person’s multilayered cultural identity (MCI) and the concept of self (CoS), that is presented…

More than enough: Embracing multiple identities

Alanna Aiko Moore, Interim Assistant Department Head for Information Services and User Education and Librarian for Ethnic Studies and Gender Studies for the Social Science and Humanities Library, University of California, San Diego, shares a…

Miss Understanding. Two Faiths. One Friendship.

On a dark and stormy night in November 2011 at a local mosque, a small group of Christians and Muslims were gathering for their first “Meet Your Neighbor” event. Sondos, a board member of the mosque at the time, was to co-emcee the event with Michal,…

Michelle Alexander on The New Jim Crow, at Union Theological Seminary (Videos)

Michelle Alexander's powerful call for America to be born again - to develop a new moral consensus in the US based on a movement of who we are as children of God. This is a call for a multi-faith, multi-cultural theology of liberation.


Metaphor, Morality, and Politics Or, Why Conservatives Have Left Liberals In the Dust

This is an early and much abbreviated discussion of the themes in George Lakoff's book Moral Politics.

Published In Social Research, vol 62, no. 2 (summer 1995).

Melissa Harris-Perry on Racism and Charleston Shooting

Melissa Harris-Perry highlights the victims who were killed, powerful quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the 'ethic of love' and quick forgiveness that the family offered to the guilty. A call for collective repentance to change the "system,…

Measuring Diversity in the Collection (paywall)

LJ subscription needed to read the article. A collection diversity audit is a crucial tool for libraries to assess their offerings. Starting small makes it manageable. “You manage what you measure” is an adage embraced by business schools and…

Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself

This is the abridged revision of Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself: U.S. Catholic Bishops Speak Against Racism.

Initially issued by the Committee on African American
Catholics in 2001, as a compilation of more than three dozen articles by bishops…

Lift Every Voice and Sing, An Anti-racism Reader for Everyone: Art-In-Action | Faith-In-Action | Love-In-Action | Truth-In-Action | Witness-In-Action

Writings, art, protest photos, prayers, reflections, statements, stories, and more from the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary community all created in the first month - June - of the Summer of 2020 protests in support of BLM show how faith…

Life at The Intersectionality of Race, Class, & Gender

Sociology often talks about race, class, gender, and many other social attributes as though they are a single stand alone issue. However, our day-to-day lives are much more complex than that. In this post Nathan Palmer thinks back on an incident that…

Library of Congress to Cancel the Subject Heading "Illegal Aliens"

Executive Summary: In response to constituent requests, the Policy and Standards Division of the Library of Congress, which maintains Library of Congress Subject Headings, has investigated the possibility of cancelling or revising the heading Illegal…

Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms PDF Files

The Library of Congress is developing a new vocabulary, entitled Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT). To support use of the LCDGT, the Policy and Standards Division has published a draft Demographic Group Terms Manual, available in…

Lemonade Syllabus: A Collection of Resources Celebrating Black Womanhood

A list of readings from diverse disciplines English, Black Feminist Studies, Critical Theory, Historical and Cultural Studies, Literature, Religion and Womanist Theology, and more that includes fiction, non-fiction, autobiography, poetry, music,…

Learning to be White: Money, Race, and God in America (Book Review)

A review of Thandeka's book Learning to be White. The governing category in Thandeka's analysis is "white shame." Shame in general, in her hermeneutical glossary signifies a deepseated conflict of sensibilities internal to one's personality, a…

Learning to be White: Money, Race and God in America

In this book, Thandeka explores the politics of the white experience in America. Tracing the links between religion, class, and race, she reveals the child abuse, ethnic conflicts, class exploitation, poor self-esteem, and a general feeling of…

Leaking Talent: How People of Color are Pushed Out of Environmental Organizations

Report issued by Green 2.0 (formerly Green Diversity Initiative) discussing the lack of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color at every level of environmental organizations. The report explores factors that BIPOC identify as important elements for…