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SM 2021 Interspirituality And A Theology of Technology (Prof. Coleman) Spring 2021 Louisville Seminary

This course provides a space to critically reflect on what the pandemic of COVID19 has revealed about being a global citizen located in a specific place and time dealing with information and communications technologies in our personal lives and…


Institutionalized Racism: A Syllabus

Syllabus Subtitile: How can we help students understand George Floyd's death in the context of institutionalized racism?Introduction: The United States has seen escalating protests over the past week, following the death of George Floyd while in…


TH 3223 Feminist and Womanist Ethics, (Prof. Pauw), Spring 2020, Louisville Seminary

This is the course syllabus for Prof. Amy Plantinga Pauw's TH 3223 Feminist and Womanist Ethics, taught during Spring 2020.Course description: This course will focus on the writings of contemporary womanist ethicists. These will be complemented by…


TH 3663 Theologies of the Global South (Prof. Pauw & Prof. Kirkpatrick), Spring 2020, Louisville Seminary

This is the course syllabus for Professor Amy Plantinga Pauw and Professor Clifton Kirkpatrick's TH 3663 Theologies of the Global South, taught during Spring 2020.Course description: This course will examine recent theologies coming from Latin…


NT 4013 Evil, Suffering, and Death in the New Testament (Prof. Garrett), January 2020, Louisville Seminary

This is the course website for Prof. Susan Garrett's NT 4013 Evil, Suffering, and Death in the New Testament, taught during J-Term 2020. J-Term is an intensive 2-week, all-day classes term of study for D.Min students. Course description: In this…

Black Lives Matter: Race, Resistance and Populist Protest

10 page Syllabus for Fall 2016, Frank Roberst course, New York University. 6 Required Texts, 5 Required Films and list of Weekly Topics.

From the killings of teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri; to the suspicious death of activist…
