223rd General Assembly PC(USA): Anti-racism


Anti-racism related overtures from the 223rd General Assembly of the PC(USA), from the PC-Biz GA site, https://www.pc-biz.org. 150 pages.

The help of Marney Wilde is gratefully acknowledged.  Thanks to Lemuel Garcia for sending me the amended version of 11-11 (#5 below).

The main goal of bringing these overtures together is to increase awareness of the everyday ways for building transformative anti-racist communities of practice grounded in authentic Christian faith.

The Table of Contents highlights specific sections of each overture for the anti-racist to become well-versed.

The 14 overtures are:

1) On Recognizing the Reverend Henry Highland Garnet’s Prophetic Voice for Today;

2) Advocacy Committee for Racial Ethnic Concerns Name Changes to Racial Equity Advocacy Committee;

3) A Resolution to Respond to Disparities Experienced by Black Women and Girls;

4) A Gospel from St Louis: Lessons from Congregations Seeking Racial and Economic Justice;

5) Declare an Imperative for the Reformation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in being a Transformative Church in This Intercultural Era; with Eight Steps to End Racism (See Recommendation 10) and a Glossary of Terms;

6) Racism, Truth, and Reconciliation Special Committee;

7) On Developing a Letter to Accompany the Confession of Belhar;

8) On Adopting the "Letter from Birmingham City Jail," written by the Rev. Dr. MLK Jr., as a Contemporary Statement of Faith;

9) On Renewing Our Call to Promote Environmental Justice;

10) On Responding to Environmental Racism;

11) The Earth Is the Lord’s—Not Ours to Ruin: Priorities for a New Moral Era;

12) On the Challenge of Being Black in the PC (USA);

13) Responding to Racist Nationalism; and

14) Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy Self-Study.

This document has been prepared to accompany the Disrupting Racism workshops led by Anita Coleman, at the Presbyterian Women 2018 Gathering, Louisville, Kentucky, August 4, 2018 (1:00 – 5 pm).


Racial Justice


Anita Coleman (compiler)




June 2018











Anita Coleman (compiler), “223rd General Assembly PC(USA): Anti-racism,” Antiracism Digital Library, accessed April 23, 2024, https://sacred.omeka.net/items/show/241.