Browse Items (391 total)

The Brief Statement of Faith

This is a brief theological statement in simple confessional language that ordinary people can use about the most important beliefs that Presbyterians share with all Christians, and most especially with the Reformed tradition.

Cities for CEDAW Program - V2.2

Several organizations in Orange County, CA have come together to implement Cities for CEDAW in their cities. This document outlines the history and the strategy for doing so.

Introducing CEDAW

CEDAW stands for Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. It is a UN treaty. Rupsi Burman, Chair of the OC Cities for CEDAW taskforce briefly describes it.

Results of CEDAW (Videos)

In 1998 City of San Francisco adopted CEDAW and Rupsi Burman briefly describes the reduction in crime that the city has experienced since then.


Cities for CEDAW

Rupsi Burman explains the Cities for CEDAW program briefly.

USA Cities That Have Implemented CEDAW

Rupsi Burman, chair of the OC Cities for CEDAW taskforce names the cities in the USA that have implemented CEDAW.

Why CEDAW for the OC?

Rupsi Burman, chair of the OC Cities for CEDAW taskforce explains why we need CEDAW.

Contact Info For OC Cities for CEDAW

Rupsi Burman, chair of OC Cities for CEDAW taskforce provides contact information and invites you to come aboard!

OC Cities for CEDAW (Videos)

A set of 6 short video clips by Rupsi Burman, chair of the OC Cities for CEDAW taskforce: Introducing CEDAW, Results of CEDAW, Cities for CEDAW, USA Cities that have implemented CEDAW, Why CEDAW for the OC, and Contact Information. Total running…

Soon Young-Yoon in Orange County for CEDAW

SOON YOUNG-YOON spoke to members of the OC Cities for CEDAW taskforce and interested others in Clubhouse 3 Laguna Woods, 23822 Avenida Sevilla, Laguna Woods, California.

Council endorses women's rights initiative

The Orange County Register reports that "Laguna Woods has become the first city in the OC to adopt a human relations treaty aimed at ending discrimination against women." Includes a photo of the Orange County Cities for CEDAW Task Force with the…

Comfort Women = Sex Slaves #CSW60

A photo record of Ecumenical Women at CSW60 (March 16, 2016) learning to witness to the truth of 'comfort women.'

Prince's Slave, Piccard's Solar Impulse and Beyonce's Lemonade (Videos)

What popular culture can teach us about individual faith and the Christian church; Includes a quick video.


Seeing beyond race: A mother's prayer for her son and her church

A short blog post that weaves personal stories with bible attempts to construct race, often foiled by God, and argues that there is nothing God-honoring about race. The church is called to the task for creating alternative language that reflects the…

Deeper Love: Faithful Rhetoric for Progressive Social Change

The Deeper Love web pages, also available as a print book from Amazon, provide resources to congregations to help embody Jesus' way of compassion and justice in our world. The author,Jim Burklo is the Associate Dean of Religious Life, University of…

Voting as an act of faith

A voting ritual resource of Progressive Christians Uniting. The ritual includes the following:
Gathering Music
Invocation/Call to Vote
Sing: "Deeper Love: a hymn"
Intro to Deeper Love

Typology on Training for Gender Equality

The Typology on Training for Gender Equality is a classification of the types of training for gender equality: awareness-raising and consciousness-building, knowledge enhancement, skills training, change in attitudes/behaviours, and mobilisation for…

Implementing CEDAW as a Local Ordinance (Cities for CEDAW Fact Sheet)

The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is the only international human rights treaty to focus exclusively on the rights of women. Adopted by many countries in 1979, CEDAW has been ratified by 186 of…

CEDAW Local Ordinance Template

A sample CEDAW ordinance that any city can use as a template to adopt and pass CEDAW

Towards an Arab American Theater Movement (Videos)

In this video essay, Silk Road Rising Artistic Director Jamil Khoury envisions an Arab American theatre movement that is vibrant, visible, daring, and unafraid of its own power. Read the text of this video essay here. "... art strengthens identities.…


On Whiteness: A Video Essay (Videos)

Jamil Khoury explores the meanings and ramifications of whiteness, its promises and pitfalls, beneficiaries and victims, and his own complicated relationship to whiteness (existing somewhere between white and not quite white).


Black Youth Project

The Black Youth Project was a national research project launched in 2004 that examined the attitudes,resources, and culture of African American youth ages 15 to 25, exploring how these factors and others influence the decision-making, norms, and…

Why We Need to Talk about Light-Skinned Privilege

This article describes the existence and impact of colorism - a preference for light-skin - among the black communities in the United States of America. "Colorism has driven black American beauty standards for centuries (for example, the “brown…

My Race Problem

A consideration of touchy matters -- racial pride, racial solidarity, and racial loyalty -- rarely discussed.

The End of White America

The Election of Barack Obama is just the most startling manifestation of a larger trend: the gradual erosion of “whiteness” as the touchstone of what it means to be American. If the end of white America is a cultural and demographic inevitability,…

The Left's Attack on Color-Blindness Goes Too Far

Encouraging a focus on white identity is a dangerous approach for a country in which white supremacy has been a toxic force.


Visualizing Race, Identity,and Change

Proof copy of a feature in National Geographic‘s October 125th anniversary issue that looks at the changing face of America in an article by Lise Funderburg, with portraits of multiracial families by Martin Schoeller, that celebrates the beauty of…

Relatives say Cynthia Graham Hurd, killed in Charleston church shooting, ‘was not a victim’

This is part of the "Remembering the Charleston church shooting victims" series. A gunman opened fire and killed nine people during a prayer service on Wednesday June 17, 2015 at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston. This is the…

Melissa Harris-Perry on Racism and Charleston Shooting

Melissa Harris-Perry highlights the victims who were killed, powerful quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the 'ethic of love' and quick forgiveness that the family offered to the guilty. A call for collective repentance to change the "system,…

The Changing Face of America: picture book by famed photographer Martin Schoeller illustrates 'melting pot' of races in U.S.

Try to picture a typical American. You're going to struggle.
In a collection of faces of all tints, hues, eye colours, and hair shades, renowned portrait artist Martin Schoeller has captured the nation's diversity. The headshots, set against a plain…

Tim Wise

The website of Tim Wise, whom scholar and philosopher Cornel West calls, “A vanilla brother in the tradition of (abolitionist) John Brown,” and who is among the nation’s most prominent anti-racist essayists and educators. Wise is the author of seven…

Tim Wise: White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son | Talks at Google (Videos)

Tim Wise, anti-racist activist and author of White Like Me, talks to Google about addressing and deconstructing racism in institutions. Using Silicon Valley as an example he asks, is it a true meritocracy and is racism/sexism operating here? Ways in…


Don't Listen To Me (Music Video)

This is the first song on the album Excellent by LA native, Propaganda, a poet, political activist, husband, father, academic, & emcee. Propaganda is a part of Humble Beast a family of creatives, pastors, writers, theologians, and musicians who…

Lemonade Syllabus: A Collection of Resources Celebrating Black Womanhood

A list of readings from diverse disciplines English, Black Feminist Studies, Critical Theory, Historical and Cultural Studies, Literature, Religion and Womanist Theology, and more that includes fiction, non-fiction, autobiography, poetry, music,…

AAS201: Race, Racism and Critical Thinking (Spring 2013, CSUN)

This is the syllabus for AAS 201, an undergraduate course taught Spring 2013 at CSU-Northridge by Dr. Gina Masequesmay. Catalog Course Description Introduction to the process of critical thinking through the lens of race-based theories and selected…

The Two or More Races Population: 2010

24 pages. Data from the 2010 Census and Census 2000 present information on the population reporting more than one race and enable comparisons of this population from two major data points for the first time in U.S. decennial census history.1 Overall,…

Creating Anti-racist Language. Creating a culture of resistance. A set of exercises.

As set of 9 pages of exercises drawn from various sources to help create an anti-racist culture, a culture of resistance to the dominant discourse of white supremacy in the United States of America. The 9 exercises help identify anti-racist language…

Challenging White Supremacy Workshop

This is the website of the Challenging White Supremacy (CWS) workshop organizers. They believe that the most effective way to create fundamental social change in the U.S. is by building mass-based, multi-racial grassroots movements led by radical…

A Sampling of Books By or About White Anti-racist Activists and Organizers

A List of 13 books published between 1958 and 2002.

Some Characteristics of Anti-Racism

Key aspects of anti-racism are that the effort is focused ( ending a specific effect of racism), sustained (over a long period), includes a diverse nix of peoples (not just one particular racial group), and is consciously intentional. All aspects…

Convictions About Racism in the United States of America

In 1968 several individuals, including Horace Seldon, created Community Change Inc. (CCI). With its mission of working against racism and for racial justice, CCI has focused on institutional manifestations of white racism.

As founding director for…

Anti-racism Graphic

This single page anti-racist graphic is a tool for reflection and accountability; color it, think about it, adopt it, and pass it on.

Hosting a Racial Justice Conversation

This 3 page resource is based on a staff-wide conversation on “What is the Church to do with #Ferguson, #MichaelBrown and #HandsUpDontShoot?” that took place at the Presbyterian Center. It includes the opening and closing prayers, framing for the…


Facing Racism: A Vision of the Intercultural Community Anti-racism Guides

This series of six antiracism study guides is appropriate for an hour-long conversation among adults or teens (one per week over 6 weeks). They provide a pedagogical tool for empowering church communities to have important conversations about race…

Facing Racism: A Vision of the Intercultural Community Churchwide Antiracism Policy

This is the new churchwide anti-racism policy of the Presbyterian Church (USA) submitted for approval at the 222nd General Assembly (2016). 21 pages (with blank pages at end for Notes).

Statements include:
The Bible insistently reveals that God…

The Confession of Belhar

This is a translation of the original Afrikaans text of the confession as it was adopted by the synod of the Dutch Reformed Mission Church in South Africa in 1986. In 1994 the Dutch Reformed Mission Church and the Dutch Reformed Church in Africa…