Race: a theological account by J. Kameron Carter (Oxford, Oxford University Press, c2008)


Race: a theological account by J. Kameron Carter (Oxford, Oxford University Press, c2008)


xiv, 489 p. ; 25 cm.
the argument at a glance -- Prelude on Christology and race: Irenaeus as anti-gnostic intellectual
Part I. Dramatizing Race: A Theological Account of Modernity: -- 1. The drama of race: toward a theological account of modernity -- 2. The great drama of religion: modernity, the Jews, and the theopolitics of race
Part II. Engaging Race: The Field of African American Religious Studies: -- 3. Historicizing race: Albert J. Raboteau, religious history, and the ambiguities of blackness -- 4. Theologizing race: James H. Cone, liberation and the theological meaning of blackness -- 5. Signifying race: Charles H. Long and the opacity of blackness -- Interlude on Christology and race: Gregory of Nyssa as abolitionist intellectual
Part III. Redirecting Race: Outlines of a Theological Program: -- 6. The birth of Christ: a theological reading of Briton Hammon's 1760 Narrative -- 7. The death of Christ: a theological reading of Frederick Douglass's 1845 Narrative -- 8. The spirit of Christ: a theological reading of the writings of Jarena Lee -- Postlude on Christology and race: Maximus the Confessor as anticolonialist intellectual
Epilogue: The discourse of theology in the twenty-first century

Book Reviews, Arranged in Reverse Chronological Order, i.e. most recent first

Graham Hill. Global Church Project blog, May 2016.

Celucien Joseph. Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Religion. Vol. 1. 2010. [pdf] https://www.raceandreligion.com/JRER/Book_Reviews_files/Race%20A%20Theological%20Account.pdf




J. Kameron Carter, “Race: a theological account by J. Kameron Carter (Oxford, Oxford University Press, c2008),” Antiracism Digital Library, accessed May 1, 2024, https://sacred.omeka.net/items/show/258.