An Equity Profile of Orange County (2019)


An Equity Profile of Orange County (2019)


121 pages. Extensives figures, illustrations, data drawn from Policy Link and PERE's Equitable Growth Indicators Database, U.S. Census and the National Equity Atlas.

While the nation is projected to become a people-of-color majority by the year 2044, Orange County reached that milestone in the early 2000s. For decades, Orange County has outpaced the nation in its dramatic population growth and demographic transformation—driven by growing Latino and Asian American populations.

Orange County’s diversity is a major asset to the global economy, but inequities and disparities are holding the region back. Among the 150 largest regions, Orange County is ranked 58th in terms of income inequality, ranking higher than nearby San Diego metro area. While the working poverty rate in the region was lower than the national average in 1980 and 1990, it grew at a faster rate between 1990 and 2000 and is now on par with the national average. Racial and gender wage gaps persist in the labor market. Closing these gaps in economic opportunity and outcomes will be key to the region’s future.

To build a more equitable Orange County, leaders in the private, public, nonprofit, and philanthropic sectors must commit to putting all residents on the path to economic security through equity-focused strategies and policies to grow good jobs, remove barriers, and expand opportunities for the people and places being left behind.


Racial Justice


PolicyLink and the Program for Environmental Regional Equity (PERE) at University of Southern California.


OC Equity Report from the OC Grantmakers Website:  Full Report and Summary.


OC Grantmakers


March 2019



PolicyLink and the Program for Environmental Regional Equity (PERE) at University of Southern California., “An Equity Profile of Orange County (2019),” Antiracism Digital Library, accessed May 3, 2024,